Saturday, January 31, 2009

Hannah Baker commits suicide. She overdoses on a pills. She sends out a set of tapes to thirteen people saying how they could of stopped her. Clay Jensen goes around town listening to the tapes to find out that he could have stopped her. How will clay react to the tapes? Read thirteen reasons why to find out. 

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Think of a world where no matter how pretty you are from the age of twelve to sixteen you are considered ugly. The reason is a radical plastic surgery you get when you turn 16. Then finally you can be considered pretty. Tally Youngblood  is sick of waiting to turn pretty. When a friend she meets runs off Tally is stopped by Special Circumstances. They say if she does not tell them where the Smoke is they will keep her from becoming pretty. What is the smoke? Will Tally betray her friend? REad uglies by Scott Westerfeld to find out.